இந்த தளத்தில் எழுத விருப்பம் உள்ள எழுத்தாளர்கள் Jananinaveen.novels@gmail.com அல்லது jananinaveen@saaralnovels.com என்ற மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரியில் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்

The Mysterious Hills!



The Mysterious Hills!​

Moral Short story​

Once upon a time, there were four best friends: Athav, Mitharan, Sanjai, and Abhi. They lived in a village near Hawk Hills and did everything together. One sunny day, they decided to have a picnic adventure in the mysterious Hawk Hills.​

As they explored the beautiful forest, they saw something incredible! A huge hawk, unlike any they'd ever seen before, swooped down and talked to them! This talking hawk picked them up and took them to a kingdom of hawks. This place had golden palaces and even fountains with crocodiles and snakes. It was both amazing and a bit scary.​

In the hawk kingdom, they met the king of the hawks, who asked, "Who are you?" The friends told him they were on a picnic, and they also greeted him which made the king happy. He was so pleased that he asked a guard to show them around the palace, which was full of gold.​

But during their tour, sharp-eyed Sanjai found a secret way, moving there by escaping from the guard and his friends. Deep inside, he met a giant snake guarding a big door. The snake asked, "Who are you, and why are you here?"​

Sanjai, still amazed by the gold, said, "I'm Sanjai, and I have permission from your king."​

The snake misunderstood and thought Sanjai wanted to steal stuff. It got angry and attacked him! They had a big fight, but Sanjai didn't want to hurt the snake. He said, "I'm not here to harm you. I really have permission from your king. Let me show you."​

Finally, the snake guardian calmed down. Sanjai showed a special token given by the king, and the snake realized its mistake. It apologized and said, "You're right. I misunderstood. You can stay."​

Sanjai even made a deal with the snake guardian to alert him if any hawk guards came close.​

Meanwhile, Athav and the others noticed Sanjai was missing. The hawk guards thought they were thieves and took them to the king. The king scolded his guards and sent more to find Sanjai. Deep inside the palace, Sanjai discovered a room full of gold and a boy named Mithun. The hawks were taking care of him because he was lonely and missed his mom.​

Just when things seemed tricky for Sanjai, the hawk guards found him and Mithun. They all went back to the king, who decided that Sanjai and his friends should take care of Mithun and help him find his parents. The king was nice and asked what they wanted as a gift. Mithun asked for gold bars for his friends, and the king agreed.​

Before they left, the king told them to keep the hawk kingdom's story a secret. He said the gold bars were meant to help humans when they needed it most, a gift from the gods.​

They went home with Mithun and shiny gold bars, living happily ever after. They used the gold wisely to help others when things got tough, and they never forgot their amazing adventure in the hawk kingdom.​
